Reunification for Uriah

Uriah is a hard working single dad of two girls. The family had their case come open in the summer of last year when both parents were in active addiction. Through this case, Uriah addressed the issues that had amassed during his addiction and worked the services provided such as getting enrolled in therapy, gaining employment, and completing parenting classes. Uriah was working hard and engaging in the process, but he was still having a difficult time tackling addiction on his own. In December, tragedy struck this family as they lost their mother to addiction on Christmas Eve. After this sudden and tragic loss, Uriah began taking his sobriety seriously and he moved to Searcy to receive treatment at Arisa. This father completed the program, moved into an apartment on campus, and continued to work the twelve steps.

Since getting clean, Uriah has addressed his legal issues and will have his license reinstated very soon. He has also become a mentor to those with open DCFS cases by working with the HELP group in Carroll County. Uriah is committed to sober living and being the father he has always wanted to be to his daughters. He is maintaining sobriety, working to provide for his family, and finding fun summer activities for his daughters. Uriah loves to take his girls fishing, camping, and on four wheeler rides.

Uriah credits all of those involved in the case for supporting him to reunify with the girls such as his DCFS caseworker Bobbie Reed, his father and stepmother, the attendants and mentors at the groups he attends, and 100 Families. Although it takes support to reunify, it is clear if you know Uriah that his commitment to his daughters and the love he has for them has been the true driving force behind his ability to create the life he has dreamed of for his family.

When asked what advice Uriah would give to parents involved with DCFS he said, “DHS isn’t against you. It is scary but if you are honest with them, they will work with you. Humble yourself and open up to the help available.” 


Ben and Tamm


Reunification for Dawn